As I count down the days to the premiere of ‘Voyageuse’ at the Glasgow Film Festival on March 1st, I’m pleased to announce that the film can also be seen – for free – until ...more
As I count down the days to the premiere of ‘Voyageuse’ at the Glasgow Film Festival on March 1st, I’m pleased to announce that the film can also be seen – for free – until ...more
Since embarking on this film in October 2014 I’ve downplayed my many roles. I assumed – perhaps wrongly – that only the most ardent film enthusiast wants to read about the mechanics of screenwriting or ...more
Very few people know but in December 2011 I was offered the job of Filmmaker to the 2014 Commonwealth Games. During the protracted interview process – four meetings over two months – it became apparent ...more
A couple of years ago I received an unsolicited email from a BBC researcher asking what my plans were for 2014. I was being considered as a potential subject for the TV series, “What Do ...more
“Dignity, always dignity.” So goes the zinger delivered by Gene Kelly in ‘Singing in the Rain’ (Stanley Donen, 1952). It’s also a line used by my husband whenever I complain about the task of filmmaking. ...more
Today marks the first day of Spring. I wake up to sunshine and clear skies and I think of Erica and how “Voyageuse” is set on the day of the Vernal Equinox. In the film ...more
Recently I watched ‘Love is Strange’ (2014) starring John Lithgow and Alfred Molina as a long-term same-sex couple forced to live apart. Thoughtfully directed and beautifully performed, this indie film was well-reviewed. For those who ...more
“You’re strange.” I’ve been called worse. Still, it’s not the greeting I expect to hear as I stand in the suburb of Osmaston, Derby at 6.30am, while pointing my camera at a row of terraced ...more
Last week at a film summit at the Glasgow School of Art I was invited to contribute towards their proposal for a film course. This prompted the thought – can ‘film’ really be taught? And ...more